jQuery Date Range Picker is a jQuery plugin that allows user to select a date range.
Requires jQuery 1.3.2+ (MIT LICENSE), Moment 2.2.0+ (MIT LICENSE)
Supports IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and other standard HTML5 browsers.
Supports multi-language, you can choose a defined language or set it to auto-detect mode.
You can also define new languages for it.
The HTML DOMs generated is fully CSS styled, you can change the skin by editting the CSS file easily.
I accept further customization job if you require more functions. My personal blog is http://jszen.com
Fork me on Github https://github.com/longbill/jquery-date-range-picker
<link rel="stylesheet" href="daterangepicker.css" /> <script src="moment.min.js"></script> <script src="jquery.daterangepicker.js"></script>
{ startOfWeek: 'monday', separator : ' ~ ', format: 'DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm', autoClose: false, time: { enabled: true } }
{ language:'cn' }
{ language:'en' }
{ language: 'custom' }
{ startDate: '2014-11-20' }
{ startDate: '2013-01-10', endDate: '2013-02-10' }
{ minDays: 3, maxDays: 7 }
{ startOfWeek: 'monday' }
{ getValue: function() { return this.innerHTML; }, setValue: function(s) { this.innerHTML = s; } }
{ separator : ' to ', getValue: function() { if ($('#date-range200').val() && $('#date-range201').val() ) return $('#date-range200').val() + ' to ' + $('#date-range201').val(); else return ''; }, setValue: function(s,s1,s2) { $('#date-range200').val(s1); $('#date-range201').val(s2); } }
{ format: 'dddd MMM Do, YYYY' //more formats at http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/ }
{ shortcuts : { 'next-days': [3,5,7], 'next': ['week','month','year'] } }
{ shortcuts : { 'prev-days': [3,5,7], 'prev': ['week','month','year'], 'next-days':null, 'next':null } }
{ shortcuts : null, startOfWeek: 'sunday', language:'en', customShortcuts: [ //if return an array of two dates, it will select the date range between the two dates { name: 'this week', dates : function() { var start = moment().day(0).toDate(); var end = moment().day(6).toDate(); return [start,end]; } }, //if only return an array of one date, it will display the month which containing the date. and it will not select any date range { name: 'Oct 2014', dates : function() { //move calendars to show this date's month and next month var movetodate = moment('2014-10','YYYY-MM').toDate(); return [movetodate]; } } ] }
{ showShortcuts:false }
{ autoClose: true }
{ separator : ' ~ ' }
{ inline:true, container: '#date-range12-container', alwaysOpen:true }
{ autoClose: true, singleDate : true, showShortcuts: false }
{ batchMode: 'week', showShortcuts: false }
{ batchMode: 'week-range', showShortcuts: false }
{ showShortcuts: false, beforeShowDay: function(t) { var valid = !(t.getDay() == 0 || t.getDay() == 6); //disable saturday and sunday var _class = ''; var _tooltip = valid ? '' : 'weekends are disabled'; return [valid,_class,_tooltip]; } }
$('#date-range16').dateRangePicker( { showShortcuts: false, format: 'YYYY-MM-DD' }); $('#date-range16-open').click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); $('#date-range16').data('dateRangePicker').open(); }); $('#date-range16-close').click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); $('#date-range16').data('dateRangePicker').close(); }); $('#date-range16-set').click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); $('#date-range16').data('dateRangePicker').setDateRange('2013-11-20','2014-08-25'); }); $('#date-range16-clear').click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); $('#date-range16').data('dateRangePicker').clear(); }); $('#date-range16-destroy').click(function(evt) { evt.stopPropagation(); $('#date-range16').data('dateRangePicker').destroy(); });
Usage: $('#dom-id').dateRangePicker(configObject);
The default configuration object is:
{ format: 'YYYY-MM-DD', separator: ' to ', language: 'auto', startOfWeek: 'sunday',// or sunday getValue: function() { return this.value; }, setValue: function(s) { this.value = s; }, startDate: false, endDate: false, minDays: 0, maxDays: 0, showShortcuts: true, time: { enabled: false }, shortcuts: { //'prev-days': [1,3,5,7], 'next-days': [3,5,7], //'prev' : ['week','month','year'], 'next' : ['week','month','year'] }, customShortcuts : [], inline:false, container: 'body', alwaysOpen:false, singleDate:false, batchMode:false, beforeShowDay: [function] }
format (String) The date format string used for Moment. click here to see Moment documentation separator (String) The separator string used between date strings language (String) pre-defined languages are "en" and "cn", you can define your own language then set this to the name of new language. You can also set this to "auto" to make it auto detect browser language. startOfWeek (String) "sunday" or "monday" getValue (Function) This function is called when get date range string from DOM When it is called, the context of this function is set to the datepicker DOM setValue (Function) This function is called when set date range string to DOM startDate (String or false) This string defines the earliest date which is allowed for the user, same format as `format` endDate (String or false) This string defines the latest date which is allowed for the user, same format as `format` minDays (Number) This number defines the minimum days of the selected range if this is 0, means do not limit minimum days maxDays (Number) This number defines the maximum days of the selected range if this is 0, means do not limit maximum days showShortcuts (Boolean) hide or show shortcuts area shortcuts (Object) define the shortcuts buttons. there are some built in shortcuts, see source code time (Object) If enabled adds time selection controls. customShortcuts (Array) define custom shortcut buttons. see demo.js inline (Boolean) whether to render the date range picker dom in inline mode instead of overlay mode, if set to true, please set `container` too container (String, css selector || DOM Object) where should the date range picker dom should be renderred to alwaysOpen (Boolean) if you use inline mode, you may want the date range picker widget to be renderred when the page loads set this to true will also hide the "close" button singleDate (Boolean) choose a single date instead of a date range. batchMode (false / 'week' / 'month') auto batch select mode false (default), week, month, week-range, month-range beforeShowDay (Function) A function that takes a date as a parameter and must return an array with: [0]: true/false indicating whether or not this date is selectable [1]: a CSS class name to add to the date's cell or "" for the default presentation [2]: an optional popup tooltip for this date The function is called for each day in the datepicker before it is displayed.
3 events will be triggerred on the date range picker DOM
$('#dom-id') .dateRangePicker() .bind('datepicker-change',function(event,obj) { console.log(obj); // obj will be something like this: // { // date1: (Date object of the earlier date), // date2: (Date object of the later date), // value: "2013-06-05 to 2013-06-07" // } }) .bind('datepicker-apply',function(event,obj) { console.log(obj); }) .bind('datepicker-close',function() { console.log('close'); });
//after you called $(dom).dateRangePicker(); $(dom).data('dateRangePicker') .setDateRange('2013-11-20','2013-11-25'); //set date range, two date strings should follow the `format` in config object .clear(); // clear date range .close(); // close date range picker overlay .open(); // open date range picker overlay .destroy(); // destroy all date range picker related things
This date range picker plugin is under MIT LICENSE